the history
why i do the job for a racedirector at gravityraces is a long story, the beginning was in the year 2000 when i traveled with my friends jochen baumann and rene marx to the DHX in Capetown. In this year i also travelled to Austria to the incredible HotHeels Festival and couse i was running out of money i worked as a coursemarshall. The following years 01/02/03 i did the same job every time in the same courner, the Karusell with was nearly renamed in Eimers-Livingroom
In 2003 stefan risch and yorck dertinger asked me to do the racedirector at the RED BULL Almabtrieb. After a short talk to Roli Hafner we decided to split the job in a job for 2 persons. With Roli it was a great teamwork and the whole thing worked fine.
2004 Roli Hafner was organizing the Eurochamps in Altbüron, and asked me to do the Racedirctor Job. I remembered the fine teamwork and sayed YES. In the same year i also did the Almabtrieb again in a team with Stefan Wagner.
In 2005 i did the Almabtrieb and the Heldenrennen for Racedirector, and first time the Start Official in Altbüron. 2005 also one of my best friends and Teammates joined the Team Thilo Vögele. Thilo is now my most improofed teammate, and helps in start or finish area.
2006 my first Job was to help Yorck Dertinger at the Kurvenrausch Eurochamps as a Co-Director and Start Official, after this i went to the COASH-Festival, where i first time combinated the Racedirctor an Start Offical Job, couse i was running out of helpers. Thilo was in the finish area so i had to do both jobs. At the Heldenrennen i returned to my beginnings and i did a Cornermarshalljob couse i was running out of power, i did the whole 2006 Job with a deranged disc in my back -horrible ache. The disc was operated in sebtember, so im fine again now.
2007 will get a great year, i do the Wordchamps and 2 Woldcups and i have a offer to do a race in GB
they call me der Diktator
ok also a long stroy:
I learned the Racedirector Job from Gerhard Lanz and i saw if u want to be a Racedirectror u can be a friend of every rider, but not in the race. In the race u know now friends u have to be fair hard and friendless. But this rules are only for the time of the race !!! In the camp the whole scene is a big family.
And once time one of the riders begann to call me Diktator but only for nickname. Some other riders followed him, and so i got the Diktator
i hope i will be a good racedirector in the upcomming events and also a friend of the riders
thanks to my Sponsors and the Raceorganizers who trust me and call me for Racedirector
New IGSA Website lounched
visit: www.igsaworldcup.com |
Video Update in:
and much more
Almabtrieb Jungholz
Rock ´n Roll Thalgau
GoFastSpeedDays Eastbourne |
PLS Dudes check ur Emails - the IGSA started an open discussion about some rules |